Santa Drive By Event 2020

Santa Claus posing with children in the car.

On Saturday, 12/19 Santa Claus came to Delmar, NY to visit with local families of deaf and hard of hearing children. Bagpipers were on hand to play some festive music. Although each year, families typically join together for a large pot luck lunch with crafts, music, and a visit from Santa. 2020 brought us Covid 19 so Santa had to change his plans. Families were delighted to have an opportunity to “visit” with Santa in the safety of their own vehicles and receive gifts for their children. 23 children attended this event.

This event was sponsored by both Hands & Voices of New York and the Hearing Loss Association of America – Albany Chapter!


Donation is greatly appreciated to support our mission for the deaf and hard of hearing children and families in New York.

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PO Box 288, Watervliet, NY 12189